Apricale among the 20 most beautiful cities in Italy 2019
(Källa: Tidningsartikel i La Stampa förra veckan)
Skyscanner, the site that finds travel tips and great ideas for holidays, has drawn up a list of the 20 most beautiful cities in Italy in 2019 – one for each region of Italy.
As every year, Skyscanner has made the tour of the Italian regions to discover the most beautiful cities and towns in Italy.
Mountain villages with living traditions, cities suspended between the sea and the sky, UNESCO sites, country villages with rural charm and small gems to know. Italy of wonders...
The 20 most beautiful cities in Italy for 2019
City Province Region
APRICALE Imperia Liguria
Sarre Aosta Aosta Valley
Fenestrelle Turin Piedmont
Moltrasio Como Lombardy
Riva del Garda Trento Trentino-Alto Adige
Bassano del Grappa Vicenza Veneto
Gemona del Friuli Udine Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Fontanellato Parma Emilia-Romagna
Pienza Siena Tuscany
Assisi Perugia Umbria
Sirolo Ancona Marche
Colledimezzo Chieti Abruzzo
Sora Frosinone Lazio
Plan of Sorrento Naples Campania
Bachelors Isernia Molise
Alberobello Bari Puglia
Basilicata Power Marathon
Luzzi Cosenza Calabria
Leonforte Enna Sicily
Alghero Sassari Sardinia
(Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator)